How does it all work?
Table of Contents
To get your real estate license in BC, first you must register and pay on the UBC website, for the correspondence course through the University of British Columbia – Sauder School of Business.
- Once you have completed the registration on their website, UBC will mail out all their material for the correspondence course in 3 – 5 days to your home. This is a self taught, self paced course.
- You are provided 1 year to teach yourself all the chapters of the math, law, get through all the Assignments basically on your own. We condensed this course down to our Fast Track.
- You must pass 20 Assignments and are allowed to submit 2 Assignments per week into UBC, so you are not permitted to write the exam for a minimum for 10 weeks from when you registered and have your assignments in and passed & your English requirement in to UBC. Yes, we help you with assignments.
- When you have completed and passed all the required assignments and have provided a copy of the English requirement to UBC (*see English requirements next page) studied and you are prepared, you may write their exam.
- The UBC Exam is 100 multiple choice questions, 3 hours long and you must pass by 70%. You can take the exam on paper offered a few times per year or daily at UBC on their computers.
- When you pass the UBC exam, you must take an Applied Real Estate Course through BCFSA. You receive a temporary licence until everything is complete.
- You will interview a few Real Estate companies and choose to work for the one that suits you. You have up to 1 year to take out your real estate license in BC. Otherwise you must write the UBC exam again. We supply you with a list of questions to ask the real estate companies. Plus we work with the Top Real Estate companies in BC, so we are happy to provide you contacts.
- If you fail the UBC exam, you are permitted to rewrite the UBC exam again for a fee, but you must wait 3 months from failing before writing again. If you fail the second time, you must wait 1 year and pay for the entire course again. Real Smart’s been teaching this since 2000’ We have had thousands of students just like you pass the first time. Our passing rate is over 97%

Register for the Real Estate licence course at UBC Sauder School of Business
Pre-requisites – UBC Sauder School of Business
- Graduation from a recognized university degree program at an accredited university, college or technical institute at which English is the primary language of instruction.
- Licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada and have satisfied that jurisdiction’s language requirements. Or:
UBC English requirements
Pass the Celpip G – level 7 before you write the UBC Real Estate Exam.
Note: You can start the Real Estate Course without having your English requirement in place. But just make sure you have it in place before you are permitted to write the UBC exam. Find more information here: How to Satisfy the English Language Proficiency Requirement – Real Estate Division | UBC Sauder School of Business
What if I have a degree from India, China or Mexico for example?
Certain exemptions are available for international students who graduated from a university degree program.
Find more information here: ELPR exemption – International Student Graduated from a University Degree Program – Real Estate Division | UBC Sauder School of Business
- UBC Course: $1450 (books at a separate fee)
- HP10B11+: $125.00 (approx) purchase at UBC site when registering
- CELPIP-G Test: $290 + tax (Canadian) approx
Register for your Real Estate Course
Real Estate classes: Live Zoom class & online course - $1398

Daytime classes: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (Tuesdays & Thursdays) for 7 Weeks.
Evening classes: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Mondays & Wednesdays) for 7 Weeks
Live instructor, hard copy Workbook and Course Outline! You choose either the day or evening class setting. Set schedule, no drop ins. PLUS …. the full Online Interactive Course included! Get online access early, as soon as you register, but still have your 4 months once the virtual starts.
Check the Zoom class schedule for dates and times.
Real Estate online course - $949

Start Immediately – 24/7 Access for 4 Months
Individual Study Online Interactive Course. Completely up-to-date material and slides. Real Smart Workbook, Course Outline, Lessons of Math and Law, Quizzes, Reviews, Exam & Job Prep, and “Timed Mock Exams”. Learn the entire course over and over at your pace with full support!
Private Elite: individual instruction Real Estate course - $3400

You choose the time and day, evening or weekends when you would like to learn. One of our Instructors will teach you through the entire course, help you with Assignments or any questions you may have. Very flexible if you need to make changes to your schedule. But Private Elite has a 100% passing rate to date, as we focus on just you! Plus you receive the hardcopy workbook, hard copy flash cards, and our Online Course for 6 months (normally 4).
What happens after you pass the UBC Exam?
Applied Practice Course | BCFSA
BCFSA’s Applied Practice Courses focus on building learners’ practical skills and on key areas of regulatory requirements, such as agency, contracts, and disclosure.
There are two Applied Practice Courses: The Residential Trading Services Applied Practice Course and the Commercial Trading Services Applied Practice Course. Learners who intend to specialize in commercial real estate should register for the commercial version of the course. Those who intend to practice in residential sales should register for the residential version. You will only need to complete one Applied Practice Course.
The courses were developed in consultation with the Real Estate Division of the Sauder School of Business and with managing brokers and other stakeholders. They are offered at several locations throughout the province, and delivered by trained instructors who are experienced real estate professionals.
- Learners must complete a portion of the course before they can receive their temporary licence. Once learners have received their temporary licence, they may begin conducting real estate services and can proceed to complete the remaining portions of the course.
- The course includes online components, face-to-face classroom time and field assignments that learners complete while working in their brokerage.
- Learners will spend two to three weeks in the course before they are licensed and a further 4.5 months completing both classroom and practical field assignment components.
Ready to get started?
1. Register for your course at Real Smart and get Online access early!
2. Register at UBC Sauder School of Business and buy the Calculator as its hard to get!
3. Hand in your English requirement to UBC or take the Celpip G test as you are working on your UBC course.
4. Write the UBC real estate trading services exam
Any questions, anytime, please reach out. We are available for you 7 days a week!