Exam Tips!
- Don’t cram the night before. You know what you know so get a good night’s sleep. An over exhausted mind will not perform well.
- Don’t listen and involve yourself in other student’s chatter as they wait to go in the exam room. What they say could be completely wrong and get you anxious.
- Have a talk with yourself on the way to the exam and before you go in to the exam room. Tell yourself to follow the rules below, and you can do this.
- When they say “Start”, take out a piece of paper, (or if you don’t have one, write on the back of the exam) and Put “Guess Sheet” on the top, then under that on the left hand side put Question # and leave some space and put My Answer. Now as you go through the exam even if its answer #1, and you are not sure of the answer or you may get it but you just know it will take too long at the moment, GUESS an Answer, Write the Question # down #16 and the ANSWER you GUESSED #3. Now carry on and do that throughout the exam. Don’t feel any pressure, just guess, mark your guess down and carry on. Then once the exam in complete, go back to the Guess Sheet and revisit those questions again. Chances are you have calmed down, thought about them and have an answer now. BEWARE…. don’t go back to any other questions in the exam and make changes. It’s not a good idea. Stick with what you chose and work on the Guess only questions.
- Take a minute and write out the Math Formulas (if your course has math of course). I don’t mean you have to write them all out, but the basics, Convert and T, N (have & need), I/yr with or without Pmt, Market Value, Bonus, PIG, OSB and Final Pmt – just the 3rd step, Interest only, cost, accruing, adjustment – just what is key in the formula. Can’t remember? Then you are not ready for the exam, only fooling yourself. No one is going to be there to help you but you, so let’s get you fully prepared for anything.
- Bring a watch and check it at question #50 to see if you have 1 ½ hours left on the exam. Check again at question #75 and 85 and 95. If you are about to run out of time, GUESS!
Even do this on the EXAM:
LAW – Cover up your answers. Read the question, formulate and answer. If you can’t then you don’t know it, so back to the books or online real smart videos and learn it. If you know what the question is asking, then uncover each answer, reading every word carefully…. then choose the right answer.
MATH – Read the answers! Often the clues in the answer. Look for the tricks
- Ask yourself: this answer is what I “HAVE” is this what I “Need”?
- I come out with a Nominal Interest rate in the math question, but do I change this to Periodic?
- Is the Interest rate in the question in its Nominal state or Periodic. Ex: 4% interest quarterly. Periodic: 4 x 4 = 16 so J4 = 16%
- Is there a Pmt in the question? If so, chances are you do not need to Convert T.