You must find the reason behind you wanting or having to change careers. Perhaps your company has downsized and you find yourself out of work. Maybe it’s been years since you had to make up a Resume or be part of a job interview. Don’t worry, things haven’t changed that much. You could look at this as a blessing in disguise. Now is your opportunity to make change. Go the direction in your career that you always wanted to but didn’t. Seize the moment, carpe diem and all that! It’s true.
Changing careers can either be a nightmare or an opportunity. Your glass if half full or half empty kind of thing. I know you have heard that before, yada yada, but it all comes down to believing in yourself. If you are thinking of a career in Real Estate who cares if the Real Estate market is “bad” or “slow”. You just learn to work each market. There are realtors making a fortune in the states from foreclosures..sad but its reality. You need to make up your mind, not listen to watch others are telling you. Do you want to sell real estate? Are you willing to work hard and put the time in needed for the first couple of years? Well, then you have your answer. Anything will work if you believe it will. It is true!
Wanting to Change Careers just means you are a little farther ahead in knowing what you want and that’s great. You know you want a change, or add onto the career you already have. Perhaps you are supplementing your income. Whatever the reason is for changing your career into Real Estate you must do your homework first and discover what part of real estate you want to work in. Show homes, work for investors, developers and which company should you work for. They are not created equal.