When you are about to take a course, any course, have a plan in place. What are you going to do if you or someone in your family gets sick while you are in a course? What happens if you hours at work change? What happens to you if you don’t understand something in class are you prepared to ask for help? Is help available? Did you ask the company whose course you are just about to take?
But first, how important is passing the real estate exam to you?
-I am prepared to give up my social life and studying every day after work and on weekends
– I will find the best tools possible to assist me in my learning, form study groups, find the best training company to get me passed. I can see Success!
– I will seek out the best training available to teach me the course
– I am prepared to do my homework, but if I don’t get to it, it’s not the end of the world – I have time.
– I can’t or won’t give up my children’s soccer game, movie night, golf games or Friday night outs – life it too short.
– I will attend class, but if I miss a few I will just read up on it. I doesn’t matter that I didn’t read the notes before class or practice the math at home, that‘s what class is for.
– I don’t even know if I really want to be a Realtor or a mortgage broker. Can I really make a living at this? How am I going to pay the bills? Whose idea was this anyways?
– Perhaps there is another driving force behind you taking this course. That is their motivation not yours. Tough to get into the groove of studying if it’s not what YOU want.
A person’s success of passing is directly related to how proactive they are before, during and after a course.
Why is that? Well, this type of person sees the Big Picture. The Before I start what are the best tools that I need for the best chance of passing. The During, what can I do to ensure I keep on top of the material and always be ahead, never behind in the work, and the AFTER how can I keep what I know and how am I going to continue studying person sets this all up first.
Visual – when taking a course do you prefer to have an Instructor teach you the topic and show you visually examples of the topic, so you can hear and see what it means. Then you are a visual learner.
Most people are. But that been said, hearing it once may not be enough. One must still put the time into a course by reading, practising, studying, making notes, review cards etc. One must keep the information on the top of the mind at all times. How can we do this, there is so much to learn and so much information keep in my brain you ask? Well having a tool that can do this for you will take off that burden. Listening to the material will help. As mentioned keeping Flash Cards with you and continuing asking yourself questions and elaborating on the question asking yourself more questions about that topic. Another great tool along with making notes of the most important information is to take part in an Online Video Course.
Repetition – do you learn something the very first time you hear it or see it or be taught it? Don’t feel bad, most people take 3 times of hearing something before they clearly understand it.
So are you prepared to go back and read the material over and over again to ensure you understand? Or would you like a system that could allow you to click, sit back and watch online videos of the course where you are in control of how fast the lesson goes, how often and when and where you can learn the lessons. Then the online course is for you, definitely!
Hard Copy- Need an Instructor kind of person?
Yes, I agree it’s always great to have the “hands on” approach to learning with hard copy of the material. But, what if there was a way you could have both; the BEST of the BEST when it comes to learning the Real Estate or Mortgage Brokers Course in BC? That would be a Blended program where you can be in a Zoom class, listen to other student’s questions, have access to the Instructor instantly, be able to talk to the Instructor as well as have the ability to listen and learn the entire course online.
Dreaming of passing the Real Estate exam? Contact us today.