After finishing your real estate course, passing your exam, and becoming a licensed real estate agent, you should feel very accomplished, but the work is far from over. Learn what happens after you finish your licensing exam.
Meet with Employers
Plan ahead so you can begin working as quickly as possible. During your coursework, or just after your exams, you should be meeting with potential brokerages, so that by the time you send in your licensing application, you can have an employer sign it. You must have an employer’s signature to become properly licensed.
Additional Courses
Before applying for your license, you must first complete the Residential Trading Services Applied Practice Course or the Commercial Trading Services Applied Practice Course, which are delivered by the BC Real Estate Association. In order to receive your license, you have six months to complete this five-day course. You must also satisfy a Language Proficiency Requirement.
Licensing Application
Fill out an application to receive your complete BC real estate license, including a criminal record check from your local police department. Your first time license will be as a “representative,” the entry-level license class. Your initial two-year license will cost $500.
Financial Considerations
While investing in your career is a smart long-term decision, you will have to deal with lots of small start-up fees, including those for your license, criminal record check, courses, and board membership. You should also make sure you are prepared to pay for office supplies, advertising, business cards and more.
You will then be ready for an emotionally and financially rewarding career helping people find their dream homes. If you are ready to begin your studies and get your career started within a few short weeks, contact Real Smart Real Estate Training School for more information, or call us today at (604) 313-4878!